猫眼电影 > 歌声荡漾的井


Il pozzo: Voci d'acqua dall'Etiopia
纪录片 / 冒险
2013-03-22荷兰上映 / 56分钟

Each year, when the dry season reaches its peak, the Borana herders gather with their livestock around their ancient singing wells. While we can see all around the world actions towards a privatised control over water resources and the access to drinkable water is still not considered a fundamental human right, the Borana deserve a special attention for the extraordinary way in which they guarantee general and indiscriminate access to water in one of the driest inhabited regions on earth. 埃塞俄比亚中南部的奥罗米亚州,属于干旱地区。几个世纪以来,一直生活在这里的半游牧牧民博兰族人,在旱季他们所做的一切工作就是为了让牲畜活下去。每年极度干旱时,博兰族人会把牲畜赶到一口老井周围。每当牲畜来饮水时,歌声就会从井中响起。

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