猫眼电影 > 

2003-12-04阿根廷上映 / 124分钟

法国亚眠国际电影节最佳女主角奖。 Blood is a family portrait. The story is played by a mother, her two sons and the shadow of a father dead 25 years back under strange circumstances, when Martin was 5 years old Nicholas 5 months only. The mother carries within herself the pain, the guilt and the horror of that death. Martin with his super 8 mm camera wants to make a film that expresses in metaphors what happened to him as a child: the infinite versions he was told about his father's death. Nicholas designs Internet pages and builds up his own reality. He searches for past memories in the night world, frequenting places and connecting himself with people who once knew his father. The film shows the path the three characters make among the hidden stories, like silent families by fear and blame.


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