猫眼电影 > Funeral Arrangements
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Funeral Arrangements


Drew is an aspiring producer from a small Midwestern city, currently residing in the South. He is fresh out of college with a degree in Music, but only a general labor job to show for it. His cousin, Lance, is a hustler from Drew's hometown, seeking to get a new lease on life and follow in his cousin's footsteps. Through one of his many connections, Lance arranges the opportunity that Drew has been thirsting for: an all-access, VIP night with some of the biggest movers and shakers in the music industry. However, there are two things standing in the way of Drew's dream evening: his company's attendance policy which won't allow him to miss work, and his overbearing, insensitive, military-minded supervisor who is determined to uphold that policy. After telling his boss that he has to attend a funeral, Drew's bluff is called and he is forced to go to the funeral to attain proof that he attended, or risk losing his job.

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