猫眼电影 > Soundbreaker


纪录片 / 音乐 / 传记
2013-03-22芬兰上映 / 85分钟

如果只把Kimmo Pohjonen称为手风琴演奏家的话,就像只把百科全书当作一本普通的书。他的手风琴演奏添加了电子设备,融合了自然采样,打破了摇滚,民谣,爵士,古典音乐的界限。他蔑视规则,把声音推向极限,打破了人们对手风琴演奏的固有认识。该片展示了他是如何在长久的挣扎和努力中找到了表达自己的方式。 影片没用很多语言来讲述Kimmo Pohjonen的故事,而那些或狂野或温柔的影像片段才是影片真正有冲击力的地方。当他在冰海中潜水时,当他开着心爱的车时,当他敲击自己试图找到自己身体的声音时,我们都听到了手风琴演奏的声音。 Pohjonen reveals himself to be an avant-garde "power accordionist," bridging the gap between rock, folk, jazz and classical music. The documentary shows one man's lifelong struggle to find his own way of expression. Bending and breaking the rules, tampering with the bellows, adding electronic devices, sampling noises of animals and earth machines on English farms, he pushes sound to its extremes and shatters everything you know about the accordion. He performs his compositions with some of the finest guitarists and drummers and collaborates with the Kronos String Quartet. Director and cinematographer Kimmo Koskela tells Pohjonen's story with sparse words. The main thrust of this sumptuously photographed film lies in stylized moments alternating gutsy bravado and tender grace, in which we see and hear the accordionist, not just onstage but also when ice diving, driving around in his beloved classic car, and hitting himself in his attempt to find the melody of his own voice.

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