猫眼电影 > 保罗


1974-11-11西德上映 / 75分钟

After 7 years spent in jail Paul (Paul Lyss) is free again. With his old crew he celebrates his return. Nothing really changes and soon he finds himself spaced out drunk at some posh party and eventually ends up wielding a big gun. Hand held Camera movements in best Dogma-95 style and nervous cut makes it an interesting 70's euro crime flick. In the mid 60's influenced by French Nouvelle Vague (Godard, Truffaut, Rivette a.o.) and together With Rudolf Thome, Max Zihlmann and some other filmmakers Lemke gathered around 'Oberhausener Manifesto" (Papas Kino ist tot, es lebe Papas Kino) formed "Neue Münchner Gruppe" as independent production group of creative people dedicated to making short and feature author films. At that time this small collective of movie lovers worked closely together producing films that where shown late night with very limited audience and usually as an omnibus where every director had a chance to show one film.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900