猫眼电影 > Amigomío



看剧情介绍有点让我想起索南拉斯的《旅程》,也是讲穿越南美大陆找寻心灵归属的故事,不同的是这片是讲一对父子离开布市前往秘鲁玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔的路上发生的事。由阿根廷著名女导演Jeanine Meerapfel执导,她曾凭借88年的《朋友》祸柏林和平奖。 A young father takes his son on a journey away from Buenos Aires and through the strange and wondrous world of rural South America. The man is unemployed and separated from the boy's mother. The trip teaches the man to rediscover both the world outside urban Argentina, and also to rediscover his son.

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