猫眼电影 > 天堂谷最后的灰熊


The Last Grizzly of Paradise Valley

这是记录在加拿大美丽的小瀑布山寻找灰熊的影片。野生动物电影摄制者杰夫·特纳毕生在世界各地追踪拍摄灰熊,现在回到自己的家乡,并要在伴随他度过童年的大山里度过一年,看看美丽的英属哥伦比亚是否还有灰熊。在追踪拍摄这里野生生物的不同季节里,他遇到了很多他童年记忆里的动物,包括黑熊,黑尾鹿和郊狼。但是在经历了巨大变化后,这里还有灰熊吗? Wildlife documentary following the search for grizzly bears in the beautiful Cascade Mountains of Canada. Wildlife filmmaker Jeff Turne r has spent a lifetime tracking grizzly bears around the world, and now he has come home to spend a year in the mountains of his youth to discover if the grizzly is still surviving in this beautiful area of British Columbia. Tracking the wildlife through the four seasons of one year, he encounters many animals from his childhood, including black bears, ospreys, coyotes and mule deer. But with all the changes to his old stomping ground, do the wild grizzly still survive?

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