猫眼电影 > 马格达莉


剧情 / 短片
2009-01-01中国大陆上映 / 25分钟
IMDb 8.2

1930年的加利福尼亚。纷纷涌向这里的人们梦想着找到好运气,这是一个梦想成真的地方。 在帕萨迪纳市的一栋装饰艺术风格的房子的百叶窗后,马格达莉在痛苦地弹着她的钢琴,她陷入了一场毫无生气的婚姻,被封锁在这个奢华的世界里却觉得无依无靠。死,是她唯一的希望。 一天,一个偶然上门推销员的到来却给她一丝生活的气息。米戎并不想跨过这道门槛,他给马格达莉带来了绝望中最美的时刻。 而夜的旋律正悄悄改变着他们生活的进程…… 1930 - California. People flock here in the hope of seeking fame and fortune. This is the place where dreams come true. Behind the stylish art deco shutters of a Pasadena home, Magdalene struggles with her piano. The keys, which once responded so willingly to her touch, are now cold. Magdalene has trapped herself in a lifeless marriage, caged in a sumptuous world in which she is rootless. Through her own choices, she has been pushed to the side of her own life - in abandoning her music, she has lost the better part of herself. Death is her only hope. But a last breath of life knocks on her front door in the unexpected form of a door-to-door salesman. Miron is unaware that in stepping over the threshold, he is playing a part in Magdalene's greatest hour of despair. The night's tune will stir them in a way that will alter the course of their lives.

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