猫眼电影 > 操场



影片記錄了在一個小學校操場上發生的一些平常事。 早晨幾個低年的小學生在看上去有些清靜操場上嬉戲。每週一次的升國旗儀式,有幸作爲升旗手的孩子們,那認真的步伐和莊嚴的表情。在課間休息時小學生們盡情的奔跑和歡快的叫喊。課間操時間,那些舉手投足十分到位的和胡揮胳膊亂踢腿的孩子們在全國小學生廣播體操的音樂中蹦蹦跳跳。那些不在知犯了何等嚴重錯誤的學生,被老師和班幹部從集體的懷抱中拎了出來,孤零零的站在那被觀看。也有整個班級的學生靜靜的站在操場上,一個威嚴的老師巡視在他們身邊,儘管天上在不停的落著大雪。嘹亮的少年先鋒隊隊歌和情緒飽滿的詩朗誦,那種幾十年前被體會過了的,以爲在已離我們遠去的榮耀與豪邁,今天又活生生的展現在眼前。 。 The movie is about some routine matters happened on the school playground. A few pupils are playing on the quiet playground in the morning. At the national flag-raising ceremony once a week, it is a great honour for the children who are luck to be choosen to rais the flag. The children are showing serious paces and solemn expression. At the class breaks, the pupils are joyfully enjoying running and shouting. During the gymnastic exercises, the pupils are dancing happily with the music of National Primary and Secondary School Students Broadcasting Gymnastics Exercises, no matter who are serious nor playing. There are a few pupils standing aside for some unknown mistakes found by the teachers or the class leaders. They looks very pity out of the group. There is also a whole class of pupils quietly standing out of the dancing group on the playground, and a strict teacher is walking around them even though it is snowing. The resonant young pioneer team song and the emotional full of poetry recitation, which we experienced and passed several decades ago, and the glorious honors we thought had gone away, now, it is emerging out in front of us today. 导演阐述(Director’s Statement): 操場,一個我們成年人幾乎不去回望的地方,一個我們的後代又天天置身其中的地方。這裡既能讓孩子們盡情地釋放歡樂的能量,也會使讓他們在老師嚴厲的管教下不敢輕舉妄動。集體主義在此放肆的顯示著它的力量,個人顯常常得很是渺小,可同時你要是膀大腰圓或是坐到了班長的位置,那又會在同伴的臣服中顯出了你的強大。你會有指手畫腳的機會,也常常會沒什麽尊嚴。這是一個既開放又封閉的地方,開放是無論何人都可以都可以走進其中,封閉是這裡發生的許多事情你無從知曉。這或許是我們離開后沒想過回去看看操場,或許是我們的後代被訓練的覺得那是該遵守的道理。 Playground, we have almost not looking back on the adults, but our future generations a every day in which . Here the need to keep the children as much as the release of joy and energy, will also allow them to strict discipline of teachers dare not act rashly. Collectivism in this unbridled display of its power,Is very often the individual was small, At the same time if you so strong and become the squad leader, it will be the companions heel of your strong showing. You will have the opportunity to order others, but also often no dignity. This is a place of open and closed.Opening up beacause everyone can be entered which .Closed beacause a lot of things happened here you can not know. This may be the reason that after we left there cannot go back and look at the playground .And that also the reason our future generations are trained to comply its ruler.

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