猫眼电影 > 最后的晚餐


The Last Supper: The Life of the Deathrow Chef
2005-01-01中国大陆上映 / 58分钟
IMDb 7.4

美學大師蔣勳認為鬼才達文西最有名的一幅壁畫「最後的晚餐(Last Supper)」提供了答案,因為「達文西要繪畫的不只是『晚餐』,而是一個生命不可逃避的宿命主題——死亡。」蔣勳在「破解達文西密碼」一書中這麼說。 與達文西畫作同名的這部紀錄片,同樣延續了達文西的企圖,除了揭開環繞著死亡周遭的神秘外,更讓世人思考被決定的死亡(死刑)的荒謬。而讓知道死亡即將來臨的人享用(選擇)最後一餐,究竟是因為信仰?贖罪?憐憫?還是讓活的人自己心安? 紀 錄片「最後的晚餐(Last Supper)」以最惡名昭彰的美國德州Huntsville州立監獄中,十幾年來共為200個死刑犯準備「最後晚餐」的廚師Brian Price,如何料理這「最後晚餐」為主軸,同時考據了歷史上不同時期,與世界上不同國家關於「最後晚餐」的不同處理方式,用訪問、紀錄、動畫等不同表現手法,探討這個從來沒有人深入研究的問題——為什麼多數有死刑的國家都會有「讓將死的人吃飽了再上!」這個習俗? 這部紀錄片頗令人震撼,讓我們得以明白與思考「最後的晚餐」的詭異,不過就如蔣勳詮釋畫作「最後的晚餐(Last Supper)」所下的註腳一樣:「我們都被設計在這幅鉅作中,我們不妨在裡面找一找自己。」 Directed by Lars Bergstrom & Mats Bigert "What would our expression be when we forsee the coming of death?". Jien Shuen's own personal take of Leonardo di Vinci's Last Supper poses an answer to that question. Jien felt that it was death that di Vinci tried to present in the masterpiece. "It wasn't the supper that di Vinci tried to draw" said Jien, "but the evitability of death that he presented." Last Supper, the documentary, chronicled the notorious Huntsville state prison in Texas. The film captured how Brian Price, chef of the prison and maker of the literal final supper to 200 plus inmates for more than a decade, presents the main course of the film. The film also tap into how different countries at different eras prepared their last suppers through interview, animation, and documentaries. Most countries with death penality share the concept of "the final meal", something that is yet to be discussed in depth in any form. This is a film that makes us re-think over our humble existences.

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