猫眼电影 > 失踪的妻子


Drew Peterson: Untouchable
2012-01-21美国上映 / 87分钟
IMDb 6.0

Lifetime电视电影《失踪的妻子》根据真人真事改编,故事的主人公Drew Peterson(Rob Lowe,《兄弟姐妹》,《Parks and Recreation》)是一名高级警官,一生结过四次婚。令人匪夷所思的是,他的第四任妻子Stacy(Kaley Cuoco,《生活大爆炸》)在他们结婚后不久便神秘失踪,随后有人发现他的第三任妻子Kathleen Savio(Cara Buono)已经在一起「事故」中死亡,很可能是被人谋杀的(伪造的事故)。尽管Drew Peterson给人的感觉是个「讨女人喜欢」的正人君子,但也有很多人怀疑他实际上是个冷血的杀人恶魔。尽管很多人--包括Kathleen--都警告Stacy不要嫁给Peterson,但她一意孤行,最终酿成悲剧。时至今日,Stacy依然下落不明,而警方也没有找到任何证据证实Peterson与Kathleen的死与Stacy的失踪有关联,这件事成了一起石沉大海的悬案。 The story of Drew Peterson, who is charged with the death of his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife. When police Sgt. Drew Peterson (Rob Lowe, TV's Parks and Recreation) meets Stacy Cales (Kaley Cuoco, TV's The Big Bang Theory), he has it all: charm, money... and a wife, Kathleen (Cara Buono, TV's Mad Men). His old marriage falls by the wayside as Drew woos and weds Stacy, 30 years his junior. After his ex turns up dead in an apparent accident, Stacy is shocked as she sees a new side of Drew in his obsessive, controlling jealousy. Stacy vanishes, and her disappearance sets off a national media frenzy focused on Drew, who remains eerily certain that he's utterly untouchable. Don't miss the chilling new film based on the true crime story that rocked the nation.


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