猫眼电影 > Chand Par Chadayee
Chand Par Chadayee海报封面图

Chand Par Chadayee

1967-01-01印度上映 / 150分钟

Captain Anand and his paternal cousin, Bhagu, set off on a mission to the moon. Once there, Anand is captured, asked to wrestle a gorilla, and emerges victorious. A number of women want to make him his, and even compete with each other - but he gives his heart to Rajkumari Shimoga. Things take a turn for the worst when warrior king, Barahatu, who wants to make Shimoga his, as well as rule the moon, attacks and abducts Shimoga, while his deceptive assistant, Simi, travels to Earth, and abducts Anand's mother and vocally-challenged sister, Rekha.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900