猫眼电影 > Click


剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 奇幻
2010-02-19印度上映 / 127分钟

印度摄影师AVI(Shreyas Talpade饰)与女友Sonia(Sadha饰)与友人喝酒后,二人驾车归家途中,不慎把一名女子撞倒,车子失控继而撞上路旁的告示牌。不省人事的女子躺在路中心,二人没有下车探视伤者,反而选择赶紧驾车逃离现场。可是意外发生后,离奇怪事就接踵而来,Avi发现他拍摄的照片中出现一些灵异的光芒及影像,开始时他以为只是相机故障,后来Sonia仔细查证后,意识到照片中的神秘影像与被他们撞倒的女子容貌相似,与此同时,Avi不但发恶梦,颈部也出现莫名其妙的痛楚。  翌日Avi与女友决定再到意外现场,但二人并没有发现被撞女子的尸体,现场的一名警察也告知他们意外中并无任何人受伤,可是鬼魂似乎一直阴魂不散,不断缠扰着二人,而且他们的朋友更奇怪地一个一个相继自杀身亡。另一方面,Sonia觉得事有蹊跷,决定深入调查,最终竟发现这一切怪事都是由其男友而起。Sangeeth Sivan是 宝莱坞最敏锐的电影制作人之一,《灵异鬼照片》是他的最新惊悚片。人们常说照片里有故事。在本片中,一位年轻的照相师发现,每次他冲洗美丽的照片时,照片里都藏了一个秘密,这个秘密非常黑暗而恐怖,因此他没有告诉自己的女友。因为这个秘密一旦曝光,不光会毁掉他的生活,也会毁掉全家的生活。这个秘密来自一个与我们生活的世界大不相同的领域。From one of India's smartest film-makers, Sangeeth Sivan, comes Click, 2010's mostbone-chilling film. They say that pictures always tella story. The true story, Click is the story of a youngphotographer and his girlfriend.He takes beautiful pictures and yetwhen they're printed they hide a secret. A secret that is so dark, terrifying and menacing that he hides it from his girlfriend. A secret from his past that if revealed, threatens to ruinnot only his life but that of his family, friends and loved ones. A secret that comes from a world that's different from ours. Pritish Nandy communications and PlayEntertainment bringyou the scariest, darkest, most blood-curling film of the year, Click. What happens when the spiritworld looks you straight in the eyeand tells you to runof die?

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