猫眼电影 > Shte doydat novi dni
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Shte doydat novi dni

1945-05-06保加利亚上映 / 88分钟

Ognyan lives in seclusion full of malice towards his fellow-villagers. Only Gudzho and Mara sympathize with him. Ognyan closes the road passing through his wood. A deputation of peasants comes to negotiate with him. A fight breaks out. Ognyan hits Mara`s brother and flees in belief that he has killed him. Ognyan attempts to commit suicide by throwing himself under a coming train. Doctors save his life after a complicated operation. In hospital he falls under the influence of a worker with progressive ideas. Ognyan comes across Gudzho and learns that Mara`s brother is alive. Ognyan goes to his friend and tell him everything. Ognyan waits near the village church. Mara comes; the two kiss and walk away together.

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