猫眼电影 > The Unwritten Code
The Unwritten Code海报封面图

The Unwritten Code

1919-05-19美国上映 / 50分钟

Kimura, a drunk and a gambler, has no affection for his daughter Kiku-San, who falls in love with Dick Tower, an American college friend of her brother Okuma. After Suzuki, a geisha house proprietor, meets Kiku-San, he runs up Kimura's bill to such an exorbitant amount, that Kimura readily agrees to give him Kiku-San as payment. Seeing her peril, Tower and his friend Thompson rescue Kiku-San after fighting Suzuki and his patrons. Tower takes her to his home, and because this compromises her, they marry. Kiku-San and Tower are happy until his friends at the American Club snub them. Even Thompson encourages Tower to divorce her. After Tower meets Margaret, a wealthy American widow, he tires of being ostracized, and becomes cold to Kiku-San. Her sadness, conveyed to Okuma, causes him to threaten to kill Tower unless she refuses to go with him to America for Christmas.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900