猫眼电影 > The Tar Heel Warrior
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The Tar Heel Warrior

1917-09-30美国上映 / 50分钟

Colonel Dabney Mills, whose Southern plantation is heavily mortgaged, makes a trip to New York hoping to borrow money from James Adams, his granddaughter Anna Belle's husband. When the colonel arrives, he learns that Adams's entire capital is tied up in a big stock deal, and that he is therefore unable to lend the colonel any assistance. While Adams is away, one of his business partners entrusts the colonel with $5,000 to retain for his grandson-in-law. Desperate, the colonel speculates in cotton on the tip of an old friend and loses the money. Conscience-stricken, the colonel returns to his plantation determined to take his life, but Adams, successful in his deal, arrives just in time to prevent the tragedy.

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