猫眼电影 > Blue Belgium
Blue Belgium海报封面图

Blue Belgium

动作 / 犯罪
2000比利时上映 / 93分钟

For many decades the same families, few in number, rich in influence, have governed Belgium`s political and ideological agenda. At a secret meeting the families` obscure Organisation orders a fixer, Victor, to destabilize the country, to create a climate of fear in which the ordinary citizen would not only accept bud gladly welcome harsh repression. A few random killings on innocent bystanders in staged hold-ups, however, do not provoke the desired terror. With the help of Phil, a cold Dutroux-like sociopath, Victor is successful. While Phil focuses on kidnappings, rape and gruesome murders with his sidekick Jack, Victor uses blackmail and corruption to silence political leaders, captains, of industry, magistrates, even the clergy. Their joined efforts soon instigate the coveted widespread fear and insecurity. The Organisation is happy : much more law-and-order, much less freedom and democracy. And Victor, the shrewd middleman, will be comfortably remunerated for services rendered. ...

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