猫眼电影 > 台阶


2011中国大陆上映 / 58分钟

《台阶》简介 英文名 Save Self-respect(拯救自尊) 施力行从某职业技术学院毕业多年,因为家境与收入的原因使其在事业与爱情上一无所获。于是他想可能是因为小城市机会少,整日幻想大都市成功人士的生活,便选择离开学习、工作、生活过的城市来到首善之区北京。 施力行才刚刚走上北京的街道,就被两个无业小青年劫走了钱包里的钱。生活的磨难根本不可能用闭上眼的方式来逃避。为了糊口他去房产中介、理发店、饭店等面试,最后被一家面馆录用。 无独有偶的是一个叫思齐的女孩,与施力行有着相似的遭遇,初来北京沦落街头,两个孤独寂寞的异乡客,相遇街头互相温暖,互相鼓励。 开始了他们在北京的人生台阶的攀爬…… Introduction of save self-esteem Shi Lixing, after several years graduation from one vocational technical school, he gained nothing on career and love due to the fact of his poor family and income. So he thought probably this is because of the small city with less opportunity and start dreaming for fantasy life of successful people in metropolis. So he chose to leave the small town where he had been studying, living and working and come to the national capital city of Beijing. Shi Lixing just walked on the streets of Beijing, he was robbed by two unemployed youngsters and all the money in the purse was gone. Hard Life cannot escape by only closing one’s eyes. In order to make a living, he went to look for job in real estate intermediary, barber shops, restaurants, finally he is hired by a noodle restaurant. Coincidently, Shi Lixing met a girl named Siqi with similar experience. As the new comers in Beijing, the two lonely young people warm and encourage each other. They began their life by step climbing in Beijing ... ...

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