猫眼电影 > Counterpoint



"Counterpoint" is about an interracial couple living in New York with very little in common except their love for each other and the music they create as individuals. She is a Singer-Songwriter and Acoustic Guitarist struggling to get an Indie Deal. He is a former Singer/Songwriter/Producer and current aspiring Film Scorer working to get away from the Industry he once coveted so much. Twelve years separates them in age, but it's never seemed to matter until now. He wants to get married and pursue his goal of writing for Films. She wants to say yes, but they both have family situations outside of their relationship that may prove difficult to navigate in the wake of impending nuptials. Both of them have made strong attempts at bending the truth about their family lives in an effort to hold on to what they have for as long as they can. They've been together for three years and now they are at a crossroads that will determine whether they will go forward and face their families and the ...


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