猫眼电影 > Shinchimachi no ryoushitachi
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Shinchimachi no ryoushitachi

2016-03-23日本上映 / 89分钟

核电厂事故所引发的海洋辐射污染,使得福岛县的渔业处境简直只有绝望两字可以形容。养育自己和家人的海洋,以及作为活着的历史而代代赖以维生的渔业,这两样东西同时被一次夺走后,这些人们究竟要如何在这片土地生存下去?海洋有可能复原吗? 2016 年 11 月,福岛根据核灾后持续至今的监测调查结果,针对被判断为安全的 94 种鱼贝类,恢复到可以进行测试性捕捞作业的状态。污染渐渐地开始净化,渔人们随时都可以展开正式捕捞作业。但核灾尚未解决,福岛产品依然让民众闻风丧胆,致使福岛渔业依然无法回复至核灾前的荣景。 透过映照着被海啸抹去的渔村、在海滩上徘徊的渔民们、受辐射污染后排进大海的水、渔村的传统祭典,故事朝向围绕“地下水绕道计划”(辐射污水对策)的谈判场景前进。为了加快核电厂废炉时程,国家和东京电力公司便希望渔民们能尽速同意计划内容。在这之下,却也有着即便理解不接受计划就无法走向复兴,却选择坚持反对的渔民们。 这部电影,是一部关于由海啸与核灾所造成的种种磨擦与纠葛当中,围绕着生活于此的福岛渔民们,如何透过讨论和谈判,逐渐形成共识的纪录。 The film is a documentary record of fishermen in Shinchi town, Fukushima prefecture for 3 years since 2011. The fishermen in Fukushima forced to self-restraint in livelihood fishery after the Great East Japan Earthquake followed by the Tsunami attack and nuclear power plant accident. The briefing was held about the plan for bypassing groundwater that is one of the measures against radioactively polluted water by The Tokyo Electric Power Company without the prospects for a solution to operate fishery. The problem was how to compromise among fishermen since the acceptance of the bypassing plan divided fishermen. The film records what fishermen suffers, what they think and how they react since their restorations are not at all simple or easy. The contradictions and difficulties caused by the disaster ask us the real restoration through fishermen's family business, traditional events in the coast life and local history. 获奖与参展纪录 Awards and official selection: 日本 GREEN IMAGE 国际环境影展总冠军 Green Image Film Festival, Grand Prize

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