猫眼电影 > 泡沫破裂之际


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2012-03-23挪威上映 / 90分钟

08年美国经济危机的影响几乎波及到全球每一个角落,就连挪威的一个小镇也在突然之间仅因为一笔投资就破产了。镇子的领导因此去美国和欧洲探索这些钱是怎么被弄没的。该片跟随他们看到了经济全球化的恐怖程度,同时也回顾了过去的经济危机,指出目前的危机是经济发展的必然过程。该片也对未来可持续发展能否阻止经济进一步崩溃做出了展望 "When Bubbles Burst" looks at the burst financial bubble from a true global perspective - namely from a bankrupt Norwegian mountain village! Here, one has lived for over 1000 years believing in each other and the common good, until the small community lost everything in a speculative investment. As a result, Vik’s former Mayor along with a village counsellor venture to the United States, United Kingdom, and throughout Europe to find out where their money ended up and uncover the culprits. This documentary gives us an fascinating and terrifying glimpse at the current state of the global economy. It also discusses financial crises of the past, and it does not pretend that financial debt is unlikely or necessarily “bad”. Of those interviewed on the subject, they assert that it is actually necessary because it paves the way for innovation. This documentary also looks at the future of investment in green development and economic sustainability.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900