猫眼电影 > 铁怒沿线:三谷


2011中国香港上映 / 310分钟

2010年反高鐵護菜園一役後,菜園村的命運如何?當日萬人站出來為菜園村抗爭,立法會通過高鐵撥款後,抗爭彷彿告一段落,但菜園村村民的抗爭其實尚未完結,而是轉上了自力搬村的艱辛路上。 在爭取復耕牌以可在自購農地上建屋的的半年中,村民同時開始新村的規劃,要不要有馬路,誰住在誰旁邊,誰住在這誰住在那,由村頭到村尾,每間屋的設計,污水的處理,自有地、農地與公家地的比例等等等,一蓋集體討論決定。 同時間,政府宣佈村民十一月要離開。另一方面,因自購土地相關路權的問題,村民擔心即使買了地卻未能可以通往起屋而躊躇。時間逼切,這是團結的機會,亦有潰散的危機,踏入十一月,政府開始進場拆屋,村民開始了每日巡守、阻擋怪手,爭取先建後搬的日子。直到2011年5月,菜園村村民離開住了幾十年的家園,搬到自購農地上的臨時屋,繼續自力建村的路途。 是甚麼讓村民面對重重難關,仍然堅持、團結,沒有被擊潰?眼下新界東北村落形勢日益險峻,菜園村的經驗,示範了自主搬村,亦告訴我們真實的抗爭的漫長,一切仍需繼續關注。 影片獲2013年日本山形國際紀錄片電影節亞洲新浪潮「獎勵賞」 In 2010, amidst heated opposition, the Legislative Council approved the funding for the construction of the Hong Kong section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. The focus of the struggle of Choi Yuen Village, the major victim of the land resumption and clearance involved in the railway project, has then shifted to building a new village for themselves. Whilst fighting for an official license which allows them to purchase farmland and build houses, the villagers began planning the new village. From the design of every single house, to the ratio between private land, farmland and public land, every detail was discussed and decided collectively. Meanwhile, the government announced that the villagers had to move out in November 2010; however, due to the ‘Right of Way’ issues, the villagers were concerned about the possibility of commencing the construction of the new village on the piece of land which they were not sure if they had the right to pass through. The government started to tear down houses in the village in November. To fight for sufficient time for building the new village, the villagers formed daily patrols to stop the demolition. In May 2011, the villagers eventually left their homeland, in which they have lived for decades, and moved to temporary houses built on a farmland they purchased. Despite all the obstacles, the Choi Yuen villagers demonstrated persistence and unity. The struggle and experience of Choi Yuen Village manifests new possibilities to the villages in the northeastern part of the New Territories that are now confronting land resumption and demolition; it also reminds us of the true hardship of a prolonged struggle of this kind which we should never overlook. (AWARD OF EXCELLENCE- Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2013)

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